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home » releases » Souleance – P’ti Sega EP
Souleance – P’ti Sega EP

Souleance – P’ti Sega EP

First EP of the French duo with Pura Vida Sounds / Heavenly Sweetness, the start of a series dedicated to tropical music re-edit.

This first volume is dedicated to Séga music from La Réunion.

With drums, cowbells and humming sounds Underground bass, the duo crushes and punches the innocent “P’tit Courage” by Sulette to make a wonky warrior anthem.

Another bass drum story which knocks out the times of the Disco Sega of Dominique MINGUI& Dera RAKOTOMAVO and pushes the cursors into the red for a powerful remix.

Pre order 12″ EP // Stream & Download