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home » releases » RIP with John Coltrane (Tribute to Gil Scott Heron)
RIP with John Coltrane (Tribute to Gil Scott Heron)

RIP with John Coltrane (Tribute to Gil Scott Heron)

Gil Scott Heron vient de rejoindre Lady Day et John  Coltrane au panthéon des artistes afro-américains. Son influence sur la musique actuelle est revendiquée tant par des artistes soul et hip-hop que par des chanteurs de pop ou de rock. Patchworks , le musicien et producteur derrière tant d’excellent projets funky comme Mr President, MJA où Mister Day, a lui aussi été transformé par l’écoute du poète soul. Il lui a donc dédié ces deux thèmes émouvants qui évoquent les magnifiques compositions des mid-70s avec Brian Jackson, à qui la flûte de  Guillaume Clary fait immédiatement penser. ‘RIP with Lady Day, RIP with John Coltrane’.

Gil Scott Heron has joined Lady Day and John Coltrane in the pantheon of African-American artists. His influence on modern music is claimed by soul and hip-hop artists but also by pop and rock singers as well. Patchworks, the musician and producer behind many excellent funky projects such as  Mr President or Mister Day, was also transformed by listening to the poet’s soul music. He has dedicated to him two emotional themes that evoke the wonderful compositions of Gil Scot Heron’s mid-70s work with Brian Jackson, whom the flute played by Guillaume calls to mind. ‘RIP with Lady Day , RIP with John Coltrane’.