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home » artists » PATCHWORKS


En une dizaine d’années, Bruno “Patchworks” Hovart est devenu une figure incontournable de la production soul en France.
C’est probablement le “Hardest working man in French showbusiness” !
Outre ses activités de bassiste live et de remixeur,on le retrouve derrière les projets Mr Day, Uptown Funk Empire, Metropolitan Jazz Affair, Hawa etc….
Un point commun à ces multiples directions : un sens rythmique affiné, un identité sonore bien à lui, oscillant entre contemporain et vintage..

Son rapprochement récent d’avec Heavenly Sweetness semble comme une évidence. Pour preuve ce fabuleux hommage à Gil Scott Heron que Patchworks a composé et produit tout juste après cette triste disparition.

In the last dozen years, bruno has become a pillar in the production of soul music in France. He’s probably the ” …

Beyond a bass player, a multi-instrumentalist studio musician, arranger, and remixer, we can also find him behind projects like Mr.Day, U…..The common point between all these projects? a keen sense of rhythm, a definable musical ‘sound’, which oscillates between modern and vintage.Originally from Versailles, he has called Lyon his home for the past 12 years. He has evolved with production, remixes, film soundtracks, and ad-spots.

His work with ‘HS’ seems to be naturally obvious. One need look no further than his fabulous tribute to the late ‘GSH’ which Patchy composed and produced just after his sad disappearance.